I can't take it anymore.
A few bloggers had mentioned in a posts, and responses to posts, that Blacks have a lot to be pissed off about. This may be true, or not, depending on how you want to skew the realities to fit a Group Rights agenda.
Sorry, I'm not playing that game.
I was born in 1964, the same year of the Civil Rights Act of ,you guessed it,
1964, made it illegal to discriminate. Something had to be done in the 1/3 of the country where there
was legalized discrimination. Then again,the majority if citizens didn't live in this region anyway, further limiting the scope of such activity.
Things were not as promised, as the Civil Rights Act that outlawed official discrimination was soon interpreted to mean that not only was it
OK to discriminate against citizens of the
other color,it could also be
mandatory. Citizens who were
not even around when all the discrimination was taking place for 300 years, had no hand in it, and who never benefited from it.
This discrimination was given official sanction by the SCOTUS in the 1978 Bakke decision.
I come from a different mindset that says we are all individuals
first, and government policies should reflect that. Our nation was founded on a set of principles centered around individual rights, not rights according to what group you think you belong to.
Any child born today should have the same protections as any other child born today.
True, this system hasn't always delivered as promised. And not just for Blacks.
When the Irish started coming here in droves, they were legally discriminated against as well, and even considered lower than blacks on the dignity list.
The Native Tribes didn't always fare that well, either.
Italians were discriminated against, and legally paid less than Blacks and Irish to do the same labor on the same job site. (The pay scales would be posted publicly,according to race/ethnicity.)
The Chinese took their turn as well, and I think anybody (who wants to) can meet a Japanese American today who can tell you about the WWII years.
These were all government sanctioned slights against dignity and human worth. But hey, at least Black slave men got the right to vote before wealthy white women. Didn't they?
Blacks who still live in predominately Black communities certainly do have a lot to be angry about. But this anger should not be at Whites, or anybody else, but instead leveled at their fellow blacks who turn their 'hoods into slums,marginalize their politics, kill their children, and make a mockery of their sub-culture. In short, themselves.
Ya still want to be pissed off at slavery? Fine. Take it out on the Black Africans who offered your kind up for sale in the first place. If they weren't for sale, they wouldn't have been bought. No brainer,here.
Patting the angry black man on the head because you think he has the right to throw a public tantrum might make you feel somehow more enlightened than the rest of us white stiffs.
But the fact is, he has more legal protections than any white boy trying to get accepted to college, applying for a government job, or brown-nosing for that promotion at any Fortune 500. And that is
What would you say to the white boys if they decide to riot, or act like uncaged zoo animals within their community?
How to explain to them that somebody less-white who sneaked across the border a few years ago has greater rights than they do?
Will you blame it on some other demographic of self-anointed Brahman class, in another part of the nation removed from them, passing pronouncements of what justice is, in order to meet the vision standards of the Ivy League?
Or will you expect them to act civilly, and just take it, because they are white, after all, and are not
entitled to the same civil rights as others.
And how much longer are going to apologize for what you have not done, to those who have no grievances?
And how much longer will you expect others to do the same?