Here in California, posted speed limits, whatever they be, are primarily suggestions. Try going 55mph on the highway and you will likely get run over. And that's in the right-hand lane.
You see, we may have a right-hand lane, but every lane is a passing lane, and there is no such thing as a slow lane.
You can go 85mph even in the 55mph zone if everybody else is doing it(and they usually are) without running too big a risk of being bothered by the cops.
Well, my first morning in Arkansas I was taught differently. Cruising a down slope, in a very unpopulated area near the airport, nobody near for half a mile, some cop pulls out of a mostly hidden spot along the road and pulls me over. My crime: going 50mph in a 40mph zone.
Taking my license and information, after asking a few questions about my presence so far from home,(No, Sir. I have no people here.), he retreated to his patrol car and started talkin through his radio.
A few minutes went by, and he still hadn't returned, and I just sat there, wondering what all the fuss was.
And kept on waiting.
Finally, at about the 15 minute mark, I started to worry. Last time a traffic stop took this long I was, unwittingly, on my way to jail.
Right about this time, as I'm thinking the worst, I see a second patrol car coming up the road toward us. Yup, I knew it. If only knew what for.(Well, I
did have an idea what for, but I'll keep that to myself for now).
A few seconds later,to my relief, the second patrol car passed us by... and kept on going.
whew!So I just sat there, watching the cop in my rear view, as more minutes ticked by. He was still on the radio.
Still talking about me.
Now I'm gettin impatient.
What the hell is so damned interesting about
Come on dude. Bust me or not, just do it.
Cop walks over to me, I notice he's not reaching for cuffs, but does have a ticket book in his hand.
OK. That's cool. I'll take it.
Handing me the citation, I notice, big letters across the top:WARNING
Warning? What the hell is this?
Then Cop proceeded to lecture me on safety, being attentive, and all the horrible accidents,blahblahblah...
jeeezus.It felt like I was still in driver's ed 27 years ago.
What's next? A note home to Mom?For good measure, I collected another one of these WARNING chits two days later,along with another lecture, for doing 46 in a 35 zone.
Oh, well.
They do things different here.
Sure beats a ticket. And a fine.
And it sure ain't California.