Not expecting much, I was surprised to see hundreds of really good movies available, separated according to genre. A wide variety of indie/art house films, lots of foreign offerings, and the classic type action movie were all included.
Basically, the stuf-
If you are among the 500 folks who google your way to this page everyday you need to let it go. The promotion is over. And it sucked,anyway.
Take care.
my first job was at a publix (somewhat high end grocery store in the southeast) back in 95-98. that was when pepsi first had a 'pepsi points' promotion. I would trim the points off of any damaged 12 pack in the stock room, and often also ask customers in the soda aisle if they were going to use their points, and if not, i'd snip them off their 12 packs (reprehensible, i know...i'd make me stop doing that if i were a manager today...and fire me if i didn't).
Eventually, I got enough points to order a sweet leather jacket (sweet to me, back then). It only had the pepsi wavy logo on the silver buttons, and a pepsi label inside the jacket. It was pretty bad ass, and I seem to remember it costing 600 points, though that seems low...maybe it was like 1200, or 600+$50.
I haven't participated in this round of points, though several times I've wondered why I didn't. I certainly drink enough pepsi to make it worth my while. Sounds like it's a good thing I skipped it.
The thought of consuming that much soda makes my kidneys hurt.
Sign up for the Marlboro points program. My brother-in-laws did that, and got some pretty neat stuff.
They'll all die from lung cancer or emphysema the way they smoke, but at least they can be buried in a neat Marlboro jacket.
I bet my mom wishes Pepsi had a program like this when i was a kid. She would drink a 6-pack of the the old glass bottles nearly every day.
Kidneys? I'm thinking drinking that much Pepsi would be a great way to introduce myself to diabetes. Not quite as nasty as getting "Marlboro points," but it's close.
When we bought our Blue Ray player it came along with a promotional thing where we would receive 5 free blue ray discs. It gave us 5 categories, with a small selection of movies from each category, and we had to pick one from each. The fine print explained that inventory could not be guaranteed so we should put our first, second and third choice for each movie category, and they would do their best to fulfill our highest choices.
We ended up with a couple of movies we will likely never watch, because the good stuff went quickly, but at least I sort of expected that going into the situation.
Um, diabetes is pretty rough on the kidneys...
i didnt drink all that pepsi myself.
i had help from family and friends.
and i did marboro miles many years ago (15?) when it first started.
got some really cool stuff.
Maybe, Brian, but when I hear kidneys, I just think of "getting rid of that excess Mountain Dew in the system." (and doesn't diabetes start with a pancreatic disorder anyways?)
So ya, such a thing would be rough on the kidneys, but my big fear with be for the pancreas first.
Maybe you'll get a free lap top out of this deal. What you'll probably get though are coupons for....Pepsi products. I'll get my cool stuff the old fashioned way....borrow it from my neighbors.
What happened was there was a FLAW some free point on-line promotions, that led to MANY Savvy people getting THOUSANDS of points.Some people ordered SO many of the DVD box sets, and were getting them shipped by the ton.There are MANY people still sitting on these accounts,so Pepsi isn't restocking the good stuff.
I think you missed the part that said "while supplies last".
in 1981 they had a game out where you spell pepsi and win big prizes when I sent my bottle caps in they sent me a t-shirt saying I won the pepsi challenge and would be entered into a drawing. As you can probably tell The t-shirt was all I got (It was a scam!!) Just like this is a scam too.
I like Pepsi, I drink the diets because I am diabetic, (type 1 not associated with consumption of sugar) and I just use the points to buy mp3 downlods, it works well enough in that aspect. They have a small variety but hey its free why complain right?? yeah they do have crappy selections but what can ya do
There are still a lot of great music to download. While supplies last. You should have started ordering earlier. I got a lot of great dvds by not waiting.
Oh come on,I've used my points for several items and have been completely satisfied. Why not just order something other than a DVD. What do you expect for nothing?
All i can say is 'I Love Pepsi.' I've been drinking Pepsi ever since my first job when i could purchase my own - my parents wouldn't buy it for me. I've won $20 on a cap on my way to Reno, NV (which was a good trip starting with the pepsi win). I've also used this latest promo to download over 80 songs. I have only found one song which didn't allow me to purchase using pepsi points. It sounds to me like if you think you've been riped off for the pepsi points, you probably shouldn't look into how much it costs for pepsi (or even coke) to make 20oz of actual soda. If you learn that info you'll really feel ripped. By the way, telling someone you'll switch to Coke is a joke. Now they will be less likely to do anything about it. They know that 99% of soda drinkers are loyal to the brand. Have fun with that coke stuff...whatever it's made out of.
FYI - as I'm sure you have noticed with My Coke Rewards - they are the exact same way. The fact that you have to drink an unholy amount of soda just to get some DVD's or some cheap trinkets is disgusting. Now granted I take full advantage of My Coke Rewards as well as the soon-to-be-defunct Pepsi Stuff, but if you stop to think about how many "points" you'd have to accumulate to get a DVD and calculate that into dollars spent purchasing said soda to accumulate said points - you might as well just gone out and bought the DVD yourself! :)
In any case - it sucks that you didn't get the stuff that you were looking for. That happened to me with Coke - luckily they continued it the next year...and boy did I get what I wanted! :D
I am upset that certain songs can not be downloaded from amazon using the pepsi points, they let you get some older songs and a small amount of new songs, but there are others that I wanted that they just did not offer, that made me upset, I used all 50, how do you have 100's I dont know that is a lot of pepsi I drink maybe one a day so it took about 45 days plus a few people I saw drinking the pepsi I asked to ge the code from their top
I figured as much. I still have 24 can boxes sitting in my room cus I was too lazy to enter them. At least I can clear them out now. It's funny, coke points had it completely right, then pepsi tried it, pepsi failed miserably, and then coke points are now useless. Maybe they quit doing expensive promotions to keep the cost of their products down, no way in hell I'm paying more than $1 per 2-liter.
If people still navagate to this page, it'd because they're interested in what happened in the past- remember when we recorded/were interested in our past? Researching something does not imply we are emotionally involved in the issue. Just curious. Like trivia. That's kinda what the intertubes is for.
It's not a big deal that you deleted this page, but there is something to be said for letting alone a posting that you once cared enough about to share with the world.
If people still navagate to this page, it'd because they're interested in what happened in the past- remember when we recorded/were interested in our past? Researching something does not imply we are emotionally involved in the issue. Just curious. Like trivia. That's kinda what the intertubes is for.
It's not a big deal that you deleted this page, but there is something to be said for letting alone a posting that you once cared enough about to share with the world.
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