Much is being said about Hillary becoming the next president. I do believe it will happen, and have predicted it some time ago. I'll stand by my prediction. Sorry, folks. Gonna happen.
Hillary is a feminist icon. This we all know. What is not so widely reported is she has gotten where she is as a direct result of the man she chose to breed with. Similarly, she will get to the White House the same way. It's all up to Bill. Throughout her legal,political, and business career she was sought out, or deferred to, through her connection to Bill.
Bill is a natural born politician. He knows how to smooze. He has a crew of diehard operatives who benefit handsomely, of course, as a result of their endeavors in his name. He knows how to punish,reward,use and abuse at his will. And he knows how to strategise.
Bill will be advising the Hillary campaign. She needs him, and all he brings to the effort. Politically, Hillary isnt that bright. If she goes it without Bill, she's a loser. That she knows, and he knows all too well.
What this election really comes down to is whether or not Bill finds it in his interests to be husband to the president. I can see Bill going over in his head whether or not he wants the White House perks, the center stage, the Rock Star status, and babes... or if maybe he would rather have these things (which he already has) without having to defer to Hillary.
I dont buy for one minute that he wants his wife to be president. If she is elected, his personality is such that he will be upstaging her at every event. And he will have the magical ability to control the news flow. He will use his media popularity to control policy decisions. In effect, it will be Bill's third term. Bet on it.
It's a toss up. Will he sabotage her campaign through well placed bad advice? Or be in it to win?
It's about Bill. Everything with this couple has been about Bill. Everything with Bill is about Bill.
Whatever Bill finds to be in his best interests is how this will develope.
I'm still betting Bill wants to win.