Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Tribute To The Chameleons

My all time favorite band of any era, I can listen to them for hours and never get tired of it. I really mean never. No overstatement here.They were around in 1980's , never quite reaching the level of recognition due them, spawning a small, but dedicated, following that still follows today. In my not always humble opinion,I bring to you the greatest band ever ignored by the masses: The Chameleons,live, In Shreds.


Anonymous said...

The Fall was better

Kal said...

The remind me of early '80s U2... Not bad, no Jethro Tull, but still good.

Gino said...

i've got more vids of these guys, but i'm resisting temptation to bore you all too much with my personal music fetishes.

was swapping emails with the frontman this weekend. he's a very nice fellow, too.